Amplified Cello Quartet – Spitfire LABS Releases Cello Library

Spitfire Audio has released Amplified Cello Quartet to follow up their previous release of DRUMS. This time around we’re getting blessed with an entire software instrument dedicated to the Cello. Christian Henson and Harry Wilson were the engineers responsible for capturing the sound from the celli artists. After passing the sounds through amplifiers they routed the audio through some effects pedals to give them a more distinct feel.

Here’s what the engineers said about it:

LABS Amplified Cello Quartet was recorded by our founder Christian Henson and engineer Harry Wilson in 2017, here at Spitfire HQ. Christian played with the sound during the live recordings using effects pedals, with the celli in one room and the amps in another. The amps were driven incredibly hard, allowing you to turn your strings up to 11!

The plugin’s interface is presented in the same format as the prior releases featuring a simple layout with two sliders and a large knob. This is the fourth instrument released from the LABS series and we cannot wait to see what comes next. It’s fun, high quality, and FREE. Watch the video below to learn more and get your download here on the Spitfire Audio website.


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