BIP – Bounce In Place Max4Live Device

Valiumdupeuple recently released a device called BIP or Bounce In Place, a Max4Live Device that does exactly what it is titled. The device will bounce your audio or MIDI clips post fx in one simple click. It looks like the device has simply automated the process of resampling as it functions by soloing then creating a new track below the highlighted ones, arming it, switching the input to resample, activating the recording, stop the recording, then disarm and unsolo the tracks. It happens in under a second which makes it a realistic alternative to simply creating a shortcut for freezing and flattening tracks, which doesn’t give you a copy of the track like BIP does anyway. Here’s what the developer said,

Everyone’s waiting for a “bounce in place” feature in Ableton Live since ages.

Well, if you have M4L, here’s the one-click-only solution device, with easy Push implementation.

Place the device on your master track (you can put it anywhere actually), key/midi map its single button, save it in your default template and your done!

When you want to bounce something, just place your playhead on the desired track and press you key/midi mapped button – or Select+Rec on Push – done!

Also works with multiple tracks (just solo every desired tracks).

Automatic naming : your new bounced audio file will conveniently be named “[rsmpl] name-of-the-recorded-track”.

BIP is available for download from gumroad and as per usual on that website, the price is left open for the user to decide to pay what you want. You can download the device here.


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