Lido Workshop Recap: Wow
Lido is one of those producers that producers get awestruck about; how does he get that swing? That sound design? Those percussion patterns? The list goes on. We are so grateful to the man himself for blessing the Lab this past Saturday with our most packed workshop to date!
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The day started out with a packed house, and people just kept showing up. Halfway through the workshop we had people sitting on the floor, lining the walls, and even a crowd watching from the hallway. Lido never stressed though and he really made everyone feel welcome and engaged. His passion for music is obvious in his work, but what really left an impression with everyone in that room was his passion for educating and connecting with other producers. He had an air about him that he wanted to lift everyone up and leave them with valuable knowledge to make themselves better.
Setting the tone for the workshop, after a short introduction with Beat Lab founder Yeuda Ben-Atar, Lido began with questions from the crowd. He said he wanted to talk about whatever we wanted to talk about, and was sure we would think of things that had never crossed his mind. His combination of confidence in his work mixed with the wisdom to keep his mind open was an underlying theme throughout the day, and one we are so glad our community got to see from one of the best in the game. A highlight from the questions portion of the workshop was when he was asked to touch upon three pieces of advice he would give himself at the start of his career. His first reply, “don’t stop playing drums” was part competitiveness with the ability of his 11-year old self (when he played drums all day) but was also connected with creating feel in productions and playing instruments live as opposed to MIDI programming everything. Second was “be patient”. Everything on the internet is forever, and “people love new artists right now”. Coming out with “dope-shit” as your first release when you’re ready will blow minds, and you’ll be ready to follow it up with more. His last piece of advice was “don’t take advice from anyone”. And yes, that’s seemingly paradoxical, but those of us in the arts understand we have to deal with the sometimes inconsistent and puzzling aspects of our work and our lives. Lido’s point was that many people have some kind of agenda when they’re giving feedback. Feedback is essential, but you also need to get to a place where YOU KNOW what you’re making is how you want to sound; where you know what you are making is inspiring.
After fielding questions for over an hour, Lido opened up some of his sessions. At this point, we could feel the excitement in the room amp up another level. He showed us sounds he uses, the way he arranges his percussion elements, his relationship to the grid, how he plays chords live, how he mixes and so much more. Lido deluged us with information which was equally inspiring and intimidating, something that ultimately had everyone feeling like there were new heights to which they could aspire At the end, he gave us a preview of a few unreleased tracks and they were fire!
Recorded Live Stream
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Check out Lido’s released music at these links below if you haven’t heard him before:
After the workshop ended, Lido was gracious enough to stick around, take pictures, answer more questions, and just hang out with everyone who came to see him. We feel so blessed to have been able to host this incredible producer and musician, and can’t wait to have him back again in September!
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