Orion Sound Module
Sample Science recently released the Orion Sound Module, a sound rompler meant to free up CPU usage when sampling. A rompler is similar to a sampler, but lacks the ability record or create its own waveforms. Essentially a rompler is used to store recorded samplers.
The Orion Sound Module is best described by Sample Science themselves below:
The idea behind the Orion Sound Module plugin is to provide a rompler based on public domain samples that can be used to create royalty-free loops. At first, I made the plugin for my own loop production but I decided to share it with the world in the spirit of giving back to the community that gave me so much. The result is a 3gigs rompler full of great sounds that cover the basics: pianos, basses, percussion, world instruments, analogue synthesizers and modular synthesis. Orion Sound Modulesports a simple and intuitive interface made to be easy to work with. The plugin is perfect to sketch out ideas before using bigger libraries that can tax the RAM and CPU very quickly! In the future, expansion packs will be available featuring a variety of sounds to be use either for the creation of looped content or music production.
The Orion Sound Module is available for a free download but also accepts donations. Download here!
*UPDATE: Orion just got a cool update with many more new instruments! Check out the website for more info.
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