Reverb Solo- Add Space to Your Mix (Free Download)


Reverb Solo is a wonderful sounding free single knob reverb plugin developed by Acon Digital for It has an incredibly simple design, a single knob and a wet/dry fader. Despite its simplicity it is a great tool for quickly adding some space to your tracks.’s design philosophy was to make a simple reverb plugin that will either make a sound seem close to listener or very far away depending how you adjust the knob.The  tone and size are preset but the knob allows you to go from a small bright reverb with a short tail to a large dark reverb with a long tail. 

The developer. Acon Digital is know for their other high end commercial plugins like Verberate, which combines algorithmic and convolution reverb for a unique sound. Reverb Solo is based on the same  algorithm used for Verberate, making it a great choice when adding simple reverb to a mix or instrument. 

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You can download it here. You will be asked to register for then you will receive a ZIP file.

 Reverb Solo comes as a VST/AU/AAX plugin in 32 or 64 bit for both Windows and Mac. 

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