Hybrid Kicks – 67 Free Kick Samples Made from the Body
Hybrid Kicks – 67 Free Kick Samples Made from the Body Max Christensen has released Hybrid Kicks, a sample pack containing 67 kick samples originally recorded from body thumping sounds. The sound source is the body, that’s pretty cool. Max grabbed a microphone, prepped for recording, then thumped away at his chest to record the samples. He then processed each sample to give it a modern sound and split them up into four categories: Low Thumb, Punchy, Sustained, FX. Here’s what Max said about the process: I recorded various body hits, adjusted the tails and then basically went crazy with the processing. First I added the subharmonics with the free subharmonic generator Bark of Dog because any drum will have a resonating frequency and a chest pound is just way too short. Then I would equalize, saturate, and compress like crazy in various orders. Sometimes I would apply double compression, double saturation, double …
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