CV Tools for Live
The newest pack for Ableton’s Max for Live is in beta and set to release soon – CV Tools for Live. This pack is FREE and consists of a number of devices meant to bridge the connection between your analog gear with Control Voltage parameters and Ableton Live. Note this pack will only be free to owners of Live 10 Suite and Live 10 Standard with Max for Live. The pack contains devices that will make it easier to generate or receive Pitch, Control, Clock and Trigger CV. Join us below as we go over each of the devices. su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”400″ height=”200″ autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” https=”yes” Instruments CV Instrument Use this device to trigger your drum modules from inside of Live. Assign note triggers to your drums and set the parameters all from one convenient location. Utility CV Utility Use the CV utility to create automation curves for …
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