TC Electronic’s Incredible Mixing and Mastering Tool
TC Electronic’s Incredible Mixing and Mastering Tool A common theme in music production is “ultimately, use your ears”. You’ve probably read that in more than a few of our blog posts, on everything from mixing to recording to sound design. However, as technology keeps advancing at an exponential rate it would be foolish not to use the tools available to our advantage. We recently came across TC Electronic’s Clarity M, a desktop mix and master audio meter with serious precision. From everything we’ve seen so far this piece of hardware is a great complimentary decision maker to your ears, and could save you time in those long sessions when you’ve heard a mix so much you really have no idea exactly what you’re listening to anymore. Out of the gate, the Clarity M comes with stereo and 5.1 audio metering for mixing, mastering, and post production in music …
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