Goodhertz Vulf Compressor – This Compressor Is AMAZING
Goodhertz Vulf Compressor – This Compressor is AMAZING For those of you unfamiliar with Jack Stratton, Vulfpeck, and their signature style of modern jazz-funk then get to searching. Their band has been part of a movement over the last decade to make jazz cool again. Part of their unique sound comes from how they use broken-down and lo-fi to their advantage. While they clearly have a skilled engineer handling their productions, they delicately entangle grit and ‘oldness’ into the sound. Part of that is their use of classic analog compression. In this article we’ll go over the Goodhertz Vulf Compressor, a compressor inspired by the machine behind Vulfpeck’s unique sound – the Boss SP-303 Dr. Sample Sampler. su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d2d2d2″ size=”1″ The Plugin “Vulf Compressor is a really boutique, top-shelf Himalayan pink sea salt.” – Jack Stratton When it comes to mixing music, you have an unlimited number …
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