MIDI 2.0 & MPE – A Gamechanger For Electronic Music
MIDI 2.0 & MPE The world of music production is quickly evolving – and it’s recently experienced two game-changing introductions: MIDI 2.0 & MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE). This article covers what these changes imply, an overview of the technicalities involved, and how they will change the face of music forever. su_divider top=”no” size=”1″ What Is MIDI? MIDI (or Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a communication protocol that was created in the early ‘80s that enables digital music equipment to communicate with one another. Its invention allowed a MIDI instrument to generate a digital MIDI message that could then trigger a note on another instrument (such as a synthesizer). Dave Smith (the founder of Sequential) & Ikutaro Kakehashi (the founder of Roland) are attributed as the founders of MIDI. Hear Smith tell the tale of how MIDI was born in this 6-minute clip below. su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq6_vy4Pcwk” width=”200″ height=”200″ Fast …
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