Turn your old Game Boy into an Analogue Synth
Turn your old Game Boy into an Analogue Synth This is more on the fun side of music production but who knows, maybe you’ll find that perfect analogue computer sound your production has been missing. Nanoloop Mono is a cartridge designed so the analog components of the PIC microcontroller are connected in such a way that they form a hybrid soundchip with three analogue filters and a true random noise generator. Oliver Wittchow from Nanoloop explains, “On the original Game Boy models, one pin of the cartridge connector functions as an audio input, connected to the built-in amplifier. This unique feature allows you to generate sound on the cart and play it through the headphone output on a completely analogue signal path.” Pretty damn cool. Check out this video of the Nanoloop Mono in action: divider style=”clear” su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqod4HCpj58″ showinfo=”no” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” https=”yes”su_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjb4U-cUGSE”/su_youtube_advanced Nanoloop Mono features a step …
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