
NSynth Super – Google’s Learning Synthesizer

NSynth Super – Google’s Learning Synthesizer Google recently announced the NSynth (Neural Synthesizer) Super, the product of an ongoing research experiment into machine learning technology and art. Their interest began with project Magenta – an exploration into machine learning algorithms and the potential for helping artists create art and music in new ways. NSynth uses algorithms that go beyond combining sounds, it uses sounds from other synthesizers to create completely new and unique synthesized sounds. Its algorithms input the sonic and acoustic characteristics of multiple sounds and then use that data to synthesize a new sound with similar characteristics. Conceptually, it’s like how convolution reverb can process the acoustic properties of a room based on a reverb or other sound and then create a new reverb based on those properties.   su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTXU9Z0NYoU” showinfo=”no” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” https=”yes” /su_youtube_advanced   The NSynth Super is a hardware device that uses the algorithm internally and can …

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