5 Investments That Will Improve Your Live Show
5 Investments That Will Improve Your Live Show Lots of musicians out there are perfectly happy working in the studio and presenting their work in a recorded format, but there are just as many musicians who have the urge to perform their music for live audiences. Part of performing music is playing the actual music, but there is so much more that goes into a show that will enhance the experience for your audience. It is important to remember that your live show should be that – an experience. How you present your music will be surrounded by context, the context of not just what is heard but what is seen. The experience begins before you step foot on stage and continues after you’ve performed your last piece. We have some ways for you to improve the experience of your live show for yourself and audience members. su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d2d2d2″ size=”1″ Stage Design …
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