quarter tone

MAQAM – Arabic Scales for Live’s Instruments

MAQAM – Arabic Scales for Live’s Instruments   Outside of the western world, there are scales and tones which are not so familiar to the western trained ear. This is due to the simple fact that instruments in different regions of the world are tuned with microtonal differences which give various areas their unique sound. In the world of electronic production, these microtonal sounds are a bit difficult to capture without the help of plugins like the MAQAM. The MAQAM “microtunes” the 3rd and 7th notes in any scale to quarter-tones to replicate an Arabic originated sound. Afterall Maqam means, “the system of melodic modes used in traditional Arabic music,” so MAQAM is a plugin based around capturing that unique middle eastern sound. Download the plugin here now, currently being sold for a “name your own price,” deal. To add another level of appeal or a different region to your …

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