Royalty free

GDC 2018 Sample Pack – 30gb of FREE Sounds

GDC 2018 Sample Pack – 30gb of FREE Sounds Holy tolito have we got some great news for you – Sonniss has released a huge collection of sounds in honor of the 2018 Game Developer’s Conference. This makes the 4th year running that Sonniss has released a sample pack and it marks their biggest release yet with over 30gb of high-quality audio samples. Rolling in just under a thousand samples (985 to be exact) the collection includes sounds of all sorts ranging from sci-fi noises to field recordings, human noises, weapon sounds, drones, impacts, and much much more. The collection includes choice picks from a number of libraries Sonniss sells collections for, if you like a specific set of sounds you’ll be able to purchase from their creators on the Sonniss website. When we first saw this offering we feared that there would be restrictions on the types of use we could …

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Orion Sound Module (Free Download)

Orion Sound Module   Sample Science recently released the Orion Sound Module, a sound rompler meant to free up CPU usage when sampling. A rompler is similar to a sampler, but lacks the ability record or create its own waveforms. Essentially a rompler is used to store recorded samplers. The Orion Sound Module is best described by Sample Science themselves below: The idea behind the Orion Sound Module plugin is to provide a rompler based on public domain samples that can be used to create royalty-free loops. At first, I made the plugin for my own loop production but I decided to share it with the world in the spirit of giving back to the community that gave me so much. The result is a 3gigs rompler full of great sounds that cover the basics: pianos, basses, percussion, world instruments, analogue synthesizers and modular synthesis. Orion Sound Modulesports a simple …

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