Smells Like Teen Spirit

Floppy Disk Orchestra Plays The Star Wars Theme

Floppy Disk Orchestra Plays The Star Wars Theme   Just when we thought floppy disks were becoming a thing of the technological past, this genius of a man decided to build an old- school electronic orchestra which could play classic tunes such as “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, “Hawaii 5-0 Theme”, and my personal favorites, “Star Wars Theme”, and “Imperial Death March”. The Floppotron, created by Pawel Zadrożniak, is a serious work of art. He explains a bit in his blog how he came to coding this throwback masterpiece: “Host application was written in Python 2.7. I wrote it mostly on some boring lectures when I was still studying at the university, so it’s a one big mess, but… at least it does the job. It parses the simple language used for writing note sequences arranged in tracks tied to a specific controller / channel and merges those parallel tracks into one command list which is …

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