
Speektra – Retro Chipspeak Synthesizer

Speektra – Retro Chipspeak Synthesizer PureMagnetik recently released Speektra, “a speech simulation synthesizer based on the VOSIM method developed by Kaegi and Tempelaars in the 1970s. It uses bursts of pulses with formant characteristics to synthesize robotic vowel sounds.” VOSIM stands for Voice Simulation and is based on the idea that by employing repeating tone-burst signals of variable pulse duration and variable delay, a sound output of high linguistic and musical expressive power can be obtained according to the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, June, 1978.  The user interface is very clean and quite easy to get started with right away. The controls are simply allowing for synthesis shaping through Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release. We are also given a knob for each vocal wave. Puremagnetik implements VOSIM in a more elaborate way by allowing you to modulate the shapes of your sounds between vowels and waveshapes. You can also choose your voice register (Bass to …

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