
Captain Plugins 5 – A Big Beautiful Update

Captain Plugins 5.0 – A Big Beautiful Update MixedinKey just released their most recent update to their killer composition suite – Captain Plugins. We’re here to announce the newest features and let you know what we think. Read on below.   su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”400″ height=”200″ rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes”   su_divider What are the Captain Plugins?     Captain Plugins 5 for Mac and Windows, comes with five VST plugins. The updated VSTs allow for super-fast songwriting and creation of chords, melodies, bass lines, and drums for any genre of music. Captain Plugins are designed for use by producers, DJs and songwriters. The Captain Plugins have had a solid place in our DAW workflow ever since reviewing Captain Chords 2.0 and Captain Melody 3.0. The plugins are fantastic tools for any producer whether new to the practice or a seasoned veteran.   su_box title=”Captain Plugins Rating: 9/10″ style=”glass” box_color=”#333333″ su_row su_column size=”1/2″ …

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Hooktheory- Learn Songs You Love

Hooktheory- Learn Songs You Love   One of the more difficult parts about learning music theory is application. Its difficult to know how to apply theory without hearing what works. Hooktheory is a song writing website that teaches you how to write music by showing you what components go together by applying the ideas to popular music. The idea is to get you familiar with what sounds good and why they sound good together. Hooktheory is divided into three parts: songwriting, music editing, and music analysis. In the songwriting series, you are taught the basics of theory, through listening to popular songs, so that you are able to get a quick, intuitive, introduction to musical structure. In the music editor you are allowed to write melodies and chord progressions, using numbers, which represent different musical intervals. Finally in the song analyses, you are able to choose from a vast library of songs, and see …

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Skoove- Learn Piano the Easy Way

Skoove- Learn Piano the Easy Way   If you’re trying to step into the world of music production, but don’t have formal knowledge of music theory or proper technique, you may be interested in Skoove. Skoove is an online tutorial app that teaches you piano and music theory. Developed by Dr. Stephen Shulz and Dr. Florian Plenge, the program is geared for simplicity, aiming to stray away from conventional and classical forms of training, and to teach you in a relaxed and efficient manner. Learning a Language The program jumps right to. You set your midi controller, get briefed on how the app works and from that point on you’re playing the piano. The lessons workout in a ‘show and try,’ system, as in, you watch a video showing you what to do, then you’re given a chance to try. While you play, a scroll of notes roll along, on beat, and …

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