
Sonuus Loopa – The Worlds First Looper Microphone

Sonuus Loopa – The Worlds First Looper Microphone Sonuus is a UK based brand created by team of guitar-playing engineers with experience in creating professional hardware and software musical products. They recently took on the endeavor to create the world’s first looper microphone. It works just like a normal microphone, but lets you record what you sing, replay it in a loop and sing over it. Layer and loop your voice with 12 minutes recording time, unlimited overdubbing and multi-level undo/redo. With the Loopa you can build up layers of sound, controlling the looping and overdubbing using the controls on the microphone. This means that you are free to move around while you sing or perform and the control is intuitive because it is in your hands, where you are already holding the microphone. The Loopa was developed by, not only “looper” visionaries, but audio specialist. The result is a powerful, crystal clear …

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