Bounce Boss – Collaborate Like a Boss
Bounce Boss – Collaborate Like a Boss Bounce Boss is a collaborative file transfer and management system. It was just released recently and we reached out to Tom Frampton (co-founder with Rich Hollis) to take it for a test run. We enjoyed the functionality of it and the potential for people sending far more files than ourselves. It was easy to upload files, comment on them, and compare versions – all in all, successful at what it set it out to do. This article will take you through the upload process and point out its features and what we think of them. Continue below. su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d2d2d2″ size=”1″ “Bounce Boss enables people to collaborate intelligently so they can focus their energy on progress and be more successful.” Bounce Boss operates as an online project manager and a file sharing system. The first screen you will see when signing in is the ‘My Projects’ …
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