VCV Rack – FREE Open-source Virtual Modular Synthesizer (New Update v0.5)

The makers of VCV Rack have released the most recent update to the beta version of the open-source virtual synthesizer. VCV Rack was released earlier this year and has been receiving frequent additions to its lineup of modules. There are 14 modules that are included with the download as a group referred to as ‘Fundamental’. These modules are, naturally, fundamental to creating a basic modular synthesizer and allow you to create increasingly complex routings for crazier sounds.

The second group of modules available for download is the Pulse Matrix, priced at $25 dollars. The Pulse Matrix modules are sequencers with “four playback modes and the ability to independently clock/reset/randomize channels.”

The rest of the modules are available for free download, which includes the Audible Instruments which are emulations based on Mutable Instruments’ hardware modules. Their abilities range from physical modeling to wavetable synthesis to granular synthesis. The other modules include complicated sequencing and an 8-oscillator synthesizer.

Check out the video below for a beginner’s tutorial into using the VCV Rack, and visit the website here to download.

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