Wavepeek – FREE Max4Live Synthesizer

Today we’re sharing a FREE Max4Live device with Y’all made by the developer Dirk de Bruin. We’ve included the video of the beta version of the synth in action so you could an idea of what it sounds like before you download, but take it from us – this synth is dope. In an era where waveshaping plugins like Massive and Serum rule the studios, Wavepeek is an amazing contender provider FOR FREE PEOPLE. It’s FREE. The interface is colourful and pretty but not at the cost of simplicity. It’s pretty easy to follow with 4 oscillators that you can shape and mix together. After playing around with it for a few minutes I could already tell I would be returning to this device A LOT. It has character without the need for further processing, but if you choose to then it will easily stand above other plugins you’ve been using. Dirk said it best on his M4L.com description:

Wavepeek is a synthesizer with a wave-shaping section that is meant to be easy to understand but very capable of creating interesting waveforms at the same time. It gives you full control over two sets of waveforms and morph between them using an EG, LFO, or manually. It works best when you use the shape as a filter, so make the bottom waveforms smoother and lower but you can do some other crazy stuff with it as well.

Download the synthesizer FOR FREE here on the M4L website, and check out the video below to be wowed.


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