
What Games Can Teach You About Music

What Games Can Teach You About Music Games and music have always been intricately intertwined.  Red Brick highlights how music completes the video game experience through sound symbolism as well as movement. It would be difficult to separate the ominous setting of Dark Souls from its soundtrack. Or to experience the speed of Super Mario Odyssey without the melody that follows in the background.    The 8-bit era of games is a rabbit hole worthy of exploring.  These original game sounds were some of the first to be synthesized using computer chips as opposed to samples of audio recordings imported into the game.  These sounds have become iconic and have weaved their way through pop culture for decades.  With nostalgia for 8-Bit era aesthetics and sounds at an all-time high, we are seeing musicians draw inspiration from these vintage games and sounds in new and innovative ways.   The genres …

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VSTSID – FREE Commodore 64 Synth

VSTSID – FREE Commodore 64 Synth Igorski recently announced the release of a free VST plugin that emulates the sounds of the original Commodore 64 system – VSTSID. The plugin is designed to resemble the web-based plugin WebSID which is a fun experiment by the same developers built for Google Chrome. VSTSID is exactly the same as WebSID except it is designed for use in your DAW as a VST or VST3 plugin; VSTSID features a Ring Modulator in place of the Delay effect seen on the Web version. VSTSID emulates the sound of the Commodore 64 which is known for its infamous 8-bit arpeggiator. Aside from the ring modulator the adjustments that are possible to make to the timbre of the sound are quite limited. Despite the filter effect not being true to the original, the sound of the pulse-width modulation found on the Commodore 64 computers is quite accurately emulated here in the plugin …

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