Live 9.5 Complete Overview, New Features & PUSH 2
Live 9.5 Complete Overview, New Features & PUSH 2 In the last big update Ableton gave us Delay Compensation, better warping, Max 7, Push 64 Pad Mode and the Tuner Effect. Ableton announced this weekend during the Loop event on three major updates: Live 9.5, Push 2 and Ableton Link. It is great to see such a massive and important update for their products without skipping to version 10. That means that all the software updates are free for existing users! Even PUSH users get discounts for PUSH 2. The new PUSH, Analog Filters, redesigned Simpler and the upcoming Ableton Link all feel like the natural next step in the evolution of Ableton with many feature requests answered. divider style=”clear” Live 9.5 This is a free update for all Live users. It offers multiple new features and upgrades like a really slick Auto-Coloring and smoother waveform display. You can download the new version …
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