That Guitar – FREE LoFi Hip-Hop Style Guitar Sample Pack
Electronic music producer Arrogant Beggar and Reddit user ThatguyTarlung recently dropped a post on reddit offering his fellow music makers a wonderful gift – a free sample pack featuring guitar samples designed for use in Lo-Fi Hip-Hop. Anyone familiar with the multiple Youtube channels dedicated to sleepy laid-back beats will recognize “That guitar”. Arrogant Beggar’s original post is copied below,
Unless you have been living under a rock or have been avoiding Lo-Fi Hip-Hop radio stations like the plague (I wouldn’t blame you), you have probably heard “That guitar”. Jazzy electric chords that sound like they have been recorded via Polaroid pictures.
Here’s my take on it.
Featuring my very own “SILO” (Strat in look only) recorded in my bedroom through a knock-off USB interface. Processed by the finest fake-analog gear my money can by (so… mostly free stuff).
Originally intended to be a full pack, but as I suffer from terminal icantbebothereditis, I figured I might as well share what I have whit you.
You are 100% free to use these however you like, but if you credit me that would, y’know, be cool.
Arrogant Beggar, out.
The guitar samples are as promised and include a number of varying chords that sound like your walkman grew arms and played them to you in a midnight trip to the fridge. With his blessing, these samples are 100% royalty-free so get em while you can! Follow the link on his page and you will be brought to a Dropbox folder, we’ve gone ahead and got the link for you below to save you from a few clicks. Inside the Dropbox folder, we are offered another kind message from the man gifting us these awesome samples,
Half-assed by Arrogant Beggar. Buy my album. If you use these samples feel free to credit me, you don’t have to, but it would be cool, k?
The That Guitar sample pack is available for Dropbox download, click here to get yours!
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