5 Velocity Techniques + Velocity MIDI Effect Cheat Sheet


We continue with our Ableton Effects cheat sheet series. Check out the previous cheat sheets and techniques by CLICKING HERE.

The entire collection is available to Beat Lab students and alumni.

The Velocity MIDI effect can change incoming MIDI notes velocity in all sorts of ways. Set velocity to full with ease, randomize velocity, change your MIDI controller sensitivity or even practice hitting your drum pads hard enough.

Scroll down to the bottom to download the free cheat sheet.

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Full Velocity

Put mode to Fixed. Change Out Hi to desired output Velocity

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Randomize Velocity

Turn up the Random knob (Up to 64 randomizations)

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Change MIDI Control Sensitivity

Adjust Drive and Compand to your liking


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Velocity Build

Put Mode to Fixed, automated Out Hi


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Practice Hitting the Pads Hard Enough

Put Mode to Gate, Set Lowest to desired level of difficultly. Great for preparing for a live finger drumming show!

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