Free Space Research Drum Rack
Peter Kirn has recently released a free drum pack called estecDRUMS, recorded at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC). The pack is pretty small, but completely unique because of the sounds it contains, be it the the wheels of the rover traversing Mars, the click-clack of nitrogen valves at the ESTEC research center, or the recording of electromagnetic waves of the Rovers mechanics.
Going through Kirn’s recordings, you get the sense you are tapping into some uncharted territory. The sounds literally capture the feeling of space, you are finally given a second sense to your perception of space, (first being sight.) Adding samples to your productions can add a serious unworldly feel to them.
Below are a couple of samples from the pack. You are able to download here as an Ableton drum kit, a 16 bit file of uncompressed audio, or a group for Native Instruments Mashine.
Crazy sub bass sound:
Gravel Traverse could make for a good shaker:
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