Hello Samples Moog SUB37 – 2GB of Analog Samples and Presets (Free Download)

If you love using the rich sound of classic analog synths, but don’t have  $1600 for the Moog SUB 37 then theres good news! Hello Samples just released a free 2GB Moog SUB 37 sample pack. Now you don’t need to own the SUB37 to own the signature analog synth sound. 

The sample library is a wide variety of audio samples from actual SUB 37 patches, with everything from basses, leads, drums, and effects. The samples are designed to work seamlessly in Ableton’s Sampler or Simpler. There are enough sounds in this pack to cater to pretty much any style of production. In total there are over 3900 audio samples all in WAV format, 91 presets ( including 6 drum kits, 15 basses, 17 leads, 6 plucks,11 FX, and 33 polyphonic sounds), making it an incredible addition to any producers sample library. 

While I haven’t gone through the entire library yet, below is a track by Hi.Mo made entirely with samples from the packs, demonstrating the variety and versatility of these sounds. 


[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JniQY6iYntI” showinfo=”no” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” https=”yes”][su_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjb4U-cUGSE”][/su_youtube_advanced]


To download click here. 

There is a catch though,you will be prompted to subscribe via email or Facebook to unlock the download, and apparently it takes a while to download. Personally, I think that it is worth the hassle for a  free sample library of this quality and size. 

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